Make an appointment

Community Acupuncture Hours

Monday: 11-6pm 

Tuesday: 1-5pm

Wednesday: 12-5pm

Thursday: 2-5pm

Friday: 12-5pm

Saturday: 10-3pm

Sunday: 10-3pm

Private acupuncture
with Donna:
call to book

Mind-Body-Soul Coaching with Donna: call to book


Appointments & Pricing

Semi-Private Community Appt. - 45 min.

We are now limited to 4 patients at a time, at least 12 feet apart, in a spacious treatment room - please bring your own blankets and/or sheets.

First Visit:
Sliding scale $75-55*

All Return Visits:
Sliding scale $60-40*

Click here to schedule your visit.

*Please note: The middle of the sliding scale reflects what we need to make on average to be financially sustainable. If you have the means, please pay as much as you can in the sliding scale.


Private Acupuncture + Embodied Nervous System Coaching w/ Donna (return visit)
-60 min. /$125
-90 min./ $195

(call or email)

Private Acupuncture: First Visit w/ Donna: -75min./$155
(Gua sha or cupping add-on may be included for an extra $15)


« Qi Gong & Alexander Technique Classes Suspended | Main | (Part 2) Steps we are taking to keep our clinic a safe and healthy space: »

(Part 3) How to optimize your immunity and your lung health:

Now is the time to prioritize self-care.

Having an optimized immune system can help you avoid getting sick. If you do get infected after having had preventative treatments, your symptoms will likely be less severe and recovery much more rapid. 

Acupunture & cupping are great for supporting the immune system and reducing the effects of stress that take their tole on our bodies, as well as helping to clear internal stagnations so your immune system can work more efficiently. 

Here are some other self-care tips: 

1) Diet: Minimize sugar, alcohol, dairy, greasy fried foods and processed foods as they create congestion in your body.

 --Avoid any foods you have a sensitivity toward as they increase the stress lode for your immune system.

2) Get regular exercise, but don't over-do it and tax your body unneccesarily.

3) Join our Qi Gong classes to help keep circulation and energy moving!

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